Enrichment Friday 9/18/2020 **Middle and High School Teachers will only be available from 10:00-noon** The rest of the morning staff will be in planning and training
over 4 years ago, James J. Cutshaw
Buffalo with enrichment Friday
CALENDAR CHANGE Parent-Teacher Conferences are postponed until October 20 and 22. Download and print the updated calendar https://5il.co/k1el
over 4 years ago, James J. Cutshaw
Calendar Update Image
We are loving our new app! Stay updated with access to real-time updates, the daily cafeteria menu, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications. https://youtu.be/Cswmb12eFe8 You can download the app for free on both Google Play or the Apple App Store. Download for Android: https://bit.ly/2QfRwVY Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/2Q4ch75
over 4 years ago, James J. Cutshaw
It's Everything Stanley County in your pocket
We are offering a new class at SC this year, Introduction to Piano. Many students have signed up and more are interested in enrolling but we need some help. If you have an electronic piano keyboard that you would like to donate, we would be grateful. Please contact the school if you are able to help.
over 4 years ago, James J. Cutshaw
Electric Keyboard
Volleyball Saturday at home. Come cheer on the girls. Games begin at 1:00pm.
over 4 years ago, Stanley County 57-1 Public Schools
Home football Friday night at 7:00pm vs. Bennett county. Dress up theme for the night is NEON.
over 4 years ago, Stanley County 57-1 Public Schools
Stanley County student Allison Schlomer was featured in a recent Capital Journal article. Allison recently won a national competition to claim $10,000 worth of books for her school, and a prize of $1,000 for herself. Read the full story in the Capital Journal.
over 4 years ago, James J. Cutshaw
Allison with books
Picture day is right around the corner - Tuesday, September 8. You can order school pictures on line at: mylifetouch.com Be sure to use our school Picture Day ID: EVT3F8R4N
over 4 years ago, James J. Cutshaw
Picture Day Buffalo
Football tongiht at Stanley County. The Buffaloes' new football season begins tongiht with a test against 2019 11B finalist Winner 7:00pm at Ole Williamson Field
over 4 years ago, Stanley County 57-1 Public Schools
Stanley County Elementary Open House will be tomorrow, Thursday, Aug 20th from 4:45-7:00 pm in the elementary gym. See you there!
over 4 years ago, Stanley County 57-1 Public Schools
The website launched before it was done... we will continue to work to make improvements as we go forward
over 4 years ago, James J. Cutshaw
We are looking forward to seeing all of you, either in the building or virtually, starting on August 26th!
over 4 years ago, James J. Cutshaw