Start the Homecoming week off right by coming and getting your windows painted by the SC Football Cheerleaders this Sunday, September 18th, starting at 3:00pm. We will be in the Parkview parking lot, and it is a free will donation. Go Buffs!
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Booster Club Raffle
Please join us for Enrichment Friday – September 16 – 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to get help and turn in missing assignments.
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Happy Birthday Kori Endres! Kori's birthday wish is for a victory in Jones County tomorrow night in volleyball!
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
The 2022 Yearbooks are here! Please contact Emily Hanson or Kristy in the business office to get yours today. The current cost is $30.
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
yearbook sales
Happy Birthday Remi Badger! Remi brought treats for her class today!
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
almost 2 years ago, Mona Smith
Happy Birthday Coy Ludemann! Coy's birthday wish is a new car!
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Bon Homme is having a tailgate @ 4:30pm for their football game on Friday for those interested! Game time is 5pm on Friday @ Bon Homme!
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Bon Homme Football Tailgate
EMT class will begin October 17th and complete in April. Will be taught at Ft. Pierre Fire Station. There will be an informational meeting Monday September 12th at 7:00pm at the Ft. Pierre Fire Station. Attendance at this meeting will answer all questions. If for some reason you can not attend you may call Joe Meligan at 605 280 0440. You can be 17 years or older to take the class. You must be 18 to take the test when you complete the course.
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
An amendment to the Public Participation at Board Meetings policy will be on the agenda for next week’s board meeting Wednesday September 14th. The prior notice time frame has a clerical error. Anyone who wishes to speak there is sign-in sheet available in the business office and will be available prior to the meeting as well.
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Happy Birthday Bailey Garro! Bailey's birthday wish is to see country singer, Cody Johnson!
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Updates to our football schedules! This Saturday, our MS and JV football teams will be participating in a Jamboree at Potter County. Our MS football game on Monday, 9/12, against Sully Buttes has been moved to Tuesday, 9/13 @ 5pm. The MS Volleyball game for 9/12 remains the same.
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
The Stanley County theater department would like to thank Connie and Gary Grittner for their kind donation to our group. The Grittners purchased an LED spotlight to replace one of the spots that had been in use for many years. The LED light will allow the cast and crew to better illuminate their upcoming productions.
almost 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Public Participation at Board Meetings Before the meeting is called to order, an individual who desires to speak at a school board meeting must verbally or in writing inform the Superintendent, the Business Manager, or the Board President of the person’s desire to speak and the topic upon which the person intends to speak. The requesting party must sign a form (prepared by the school district) with their name, address, email, and topic to be addressed by 4:00 pm, two days prior to the board meeting. (The business office will have the sign-in sheet available until 4:00 on the Monday prior to the regular monthly board meetings).
about 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Don't forget - Picture Day is Thursday, September 8 - -
about 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
life touch
Due to illness, the football game tonight may not be available on is looking for a replacement for tonight’s football game and Saturday’s volleyball triangular. If the GoBuffsLive stream is not available for tonight, DRG News has a livestream option that can be found at If the status of this changes, we will continue to keep you posted.   Thank you for your patience and understanding.
about 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
The theme night for Friday night’s football game, on September 2nd, against Dupree is Patriotic Day. Pull out the red, white, and blue and show your American pride!!!
about 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Happy Birthday Wyatt! His birthday wish is to get into college! Good luck!
about 2 years ago, Stanley County School District
Happy Birthday Emma Parsons! Emma wants her Dad to have the day off work for her birthday.
about 2 years ago, Stanley County School District