A high school senior graduating from Stanley County High School, or any 1st year post secondary enrollee that was a graduate of Stanley County High School.
The scholarship can be used in any area of study at any college, university or vo-tech school – in or out of state.
Enrolled in a certificate, associate, bachelor's, or graduate program at an accredited tribal, public, or private college or university.
Registered as an enrolled member of a federal or state recognized tribe, or a descendant of at least one grandparent or parent who is an enrolled tribal member.
2.0 GPA
Scholoarships are available to children or grandchildren of members of the American Legion, Pierre Post 8, or the children or grandchildren of veterans who died in service .
The IWLA National Conservation Scholarship program was established to promote conservation leadership among future natural resource managers and professionals.
Any current high school senior who has a total of five years of membership in Prairie Winds 4-H with three of those years as a senior.
Must have completed a year end 4-H record book for all five of those years
Must have participated in at least three county level activities to include achievement days, dog show, horse show and shooting sports.
The AGC of SD Highway-Heavy-Utilities Chapter is committed to providing scholarships for students pursuing a career in a construction related program.
Eligible applicants must have a desire to pursue a highway-heavy-utilites construction career and be sponsored by an AGC member. (See Mrs. Garrett)